O scuza inutila: marii consumatori industriali incearca sa dreaga busuiocul in locul guvernuluiThe decrease of the costs with the green certificates for the industry shouldn’t affect the rest of the consumers
Reducerea costurilor cu certificatele verzi pentru industrie nu trebuie sa afecteze restul consumatorilor
Dupa aprobarea schemei de sprijin ( ajutor de stat) destinata marilor consumatori industriali obligati sa achite certificatele verzi pentru energia electrica consumata si incarcarea facturilor pentru restul consumatorilor din Romania, marii consumatori vin cu explicatii. Nu ca s-ar simti cu musca pe caciula. Chiar daca ei sunt favorizati, costurile cu certificatele verzi nu trebuie aruncate in carca consumatorilor casnici, pe motivul ca Romania si-a atins cotele de energie regenerabila si, in concluzie, producatorii trebuie sa primeasca mai putine certificate. Pozitia Asociatiei Marilor Consumatori Industriali de Energie (ABIEC) merita studiata cu atentie.
In conformitate cu Ghidul adoptat de Comisia Europeana privind sprijinul public pentru proiecte din domeniul protectiei mediului si energiei, redistribuirea cotei de certificate verzi trebuie aplicata doar de tarile care nu şi-au indeplinit tintele pentru energia verde.
CE a stabilit ca tinta comuna reindustrializarea Europei, cu scopul mentinerii locurilor de munca şi evitarii delocalizarii; in România, industria este responsabila direct şi indirect de circa 1,5 milioane de locuri de munca
Membrii Asociatiei Marilor Consumatori Industriali de Energie (ABIEC) saluta decizia Guvernului României de implementare a masurilor de reducere a impactului schemei de sprijin pentru energia regenerabila şi sustine cu tarie ca aceasta masura nu trebuie sa afecteze restul consumatorilor din România.
“Adoptarea unui set de masuri comune cu cele din cadrul Uniunii Europene are rolul de a permite companiilor industriale sa aiba un tratament similar cu cel al competitorilor din UE, fara a afecta restul consumatorilor din România”, a declarat Marian Nastase, Preşedintele ABIEC. “Aceasta masura, luata in conformitate cu prevederile Comisiei Europene, nu este o subventie acordata industriei din tara noastra, ci este, in realitate, o diminuare a subventiei primite de producatorii de energie regenerabila. Conform principiilor europene, consumatorilor industriali li se permite sa işi mentina, astfel, activitatea, evitându-se delocalizarea şi eliminându-se supracompensarea energiei verzi”.
Hotarârea de Guvern (HG) privind reducere a impactului schemei de sprijin pentru energia regenerabila vine sa transpuna Ghidul adoptat de Comisia Europeana privind sprijinul public pentru proiecte din domeniul protectiei mediului si energiei, pentru perioada 2014 – 2020. Acesta ofera criterii cu privire la modalitatea prin care Statele Membre au dreptul de a excepta companiile energo-intensive de la plata taxelor cu energia verde.
Astfel, conform Ghidului adoptat de CE, tarile care şi-au indeplitit sau sunt aproape de a-şi indeplini tinta de energie regenerabila in total productie de energie, printer care se afla şi Românoa, nu vor trebui sa redistribuie certificatele verzi de care va fi scutita industria. Ghidul precizeaza ca doar tarile care nu si-au indeplinit aceste tinte vor fi nevoite sa faca redistribuirea catre alti consumatori.
Noua HG stabileşte criteriile de calificare pentru exceptarea de la plata certificatelor verzi. Ea permite companiilor care inregistreaza costuri cu energia reprezentând cel putin 5% din valoarea adaugata bruta sa beneficieze de aceasta exceptare. De asemenea, sunt stabilite criteriile de eficienta energetica pe care marii consumatori trebuie sa le indeplineasca pentru a se califica.
Comisia Europeana a decis sa emita Ghidul privind sprijinul public pentru proiecte din domeniul protectiei mediului si energiei 2014-2020 pentru a evita delocalizarea industriei şi pentru a mentine locurile de munca in cadrul UE. Tinta stabilita pentru 2020 este creşterea ponderii industriei in Produsul Intern Brut al UE la 20% (fata de o medie de 15% in momentul de fata). Comisia Europeana a cerut statelor membre sa recunoasca importanta majora a industriei in crearea de locuri de munca şi de creştere economica. Acest mesaj a fost transmis de CE in comunicarea “Pentru Renaşterea Industriei Europene”, in luna ianuarie a acestui an. CE arata ca industria acopera circa 80% din exporturile UE, fiecarea al patrulea loc de munca fiind in acest sector. Pe lânga acestea, fiecare nou loc de munca in industria prelucratoare creeaza inca doua in alte sectoare.
In România, industria este responsabila direct pentru aproximativ 750.000 de locrui de munca, iar indirect de circa 1,5 milioane de lucuri de munca, in conformitate cu datele oficiale.
Aşadar, HG privind privind reducere a impactului schemei de sprijin pentru energia regenerabila nu trebuie sa afecteze restul consumatorilor, având in vedere ca la nivel european nu se recomanda redistribuirea certificatelor verzi de care este scutita industria pentru tari in care energia verde a avut o dezvoltare egala sau peste cerintele CE. In plus, prin mentinerea companiilor industriale in România, se creeaza premisele pastrarii locurilor de munca in tara.
According to the Guidelines adopted by the European Commission regarding the public support for the environment protection and energy projects, the redistribution of the green certificates quota has to be applied only to the countries that didn’t achieve the green energy targets
The European Commission targets the reindustrialisation of Europe, in order to maintain the work places and avoid the relocation outside the EU; in Romania, the industry is responsible directly and indirectly for approx. 1.5 million jobs
The members of the Big Industrial Energy Consumers (ABIEC) salute the decision of the Romanian Government to implement the measures of reducing the impact of the support scheme for the renewable energy. ABIEC strongly believes that this measure should not affect the rest of the consumers in Romania.
“Adopting a set of measures in line with the ones taken by the European Union has the role of allowing the Romanian industrial companies to have a similar treatment, as other competitors from EU, without affecting the rest of the consumers in Romania”, said Marian Nastase, the President of ABIEC. “This measure, adopted in accordance with the stipulations of the European Commission, does not represent a subsidy for the local industry, but is, actually, a decrease of the subsidy received by the renewable energy producers. According to the European principles, the industrial consumers can, thus, maintain their activity, avoiding the delocalisation and eliminating the overcompensation of the green energy”.
The Government Decision (HG) regarding the decrease of the impact of the support scheme for the renewable industry comes to transpose the Guidelines adopted by the European Commission regarding the public support for projects in the field of environmental protection and energy for the period 2014-2020. This provides criteria on how Member States can relieve energy intensive companies from paying green energy taxes.
Therefore, according to the Guidelines adopted by the European Commission, the countries that achieved or are close to achieving their target for the renewable energy in the overall energy production, among them Romania as well, will not have to redistribute the green certificates that are not paid by the industry. The Guidelines stipulates that only the countries that didn’t achieve these targets, would have to implement the redistribution for the other consumers.
The new HG provides the necessary criteria for the exempt of payment for the green certificates. It allows the companies who have energy costs representing at least 5% of the gross added value to benefit from this exempt. Also, there are agreed the energy efficiency criteria, which the big consumers have to fulfill for qualification.
The European Commission decided to issue the Guidelines regarding the new rules on public support for projects in the field of environmental protection and energy for the period 2014-2020 in order to avoid the delocalization of the industry and to maintain the work places in the European Union. The target agreed for 2020 is to increase the industry’s share in the GDP of the EU to 20% (compared to an average of 15% at this point). The European Commission urged the Member States to recognize the central importance of industry for creating jobs and economic growth. This message has been sent by the EC in the Communication “For a European industrial renaissance”, in January 2014. The EC shows that the industry accounts for over 80% of Europe’s exports, as almost every fourth private sector job is in industry. Besides this, each additional job in manufacturing creates two jobs in other sectors.
In Romania, the industry is directly responsible for approx. 750,000 wok places and indirectly for approx. 1.5 million jobs, according to the official information.
Therefore, the HG regarding the decrease of the impact of the support scheme for the renewable energy shouldn’t affect the rest of the consumers. At the European level, the countries where the green energy developed in a rhythm equal or over the EU requirements shouldn’t redistribute the GC resulting from the industry exemption. Moreover, maintaining the industrial companies in Romania, means maintaining the workforce.